Hurrah, Hurrah!
A downloadable game for Windows
Direct a colony of ants to collect as many crumbs as possible before the music stops.
'Hurrah Hurrah' is a family-friendly arcade game with multiple strategies.
Who made this game?
H. H. Magoo did all of the game design, programming, sound effects, photography, and art. A trio of her friends who wish to be identified only as 'Queenie and the Drones' sang 'The Ants Go Marching'.
How does it meet the requirements of 8 Bits to Infinity's VimJam?
The goal of the game is to collect crumbs. Your ants must safely bring the crumbs back to the nest before they are added to your score. As for optional challenges, Magoo was inspired by the theme of 8 Bits to Infinity's arcade jam, "swarm", and each round of the game lasts for the length of the song 'The Ants Go Marching'.
Why is this game fun?
There is an interesting "it takes money to make money" tension regarding which of the six Enh-ants-ments to purchase and in which order. They all measurably improve performance but not always enough to cover their cost.
Any strategy suggestions?
For your first game, I recommend purchasing Olfactovision as soon as you have 5 crumbs, and then Jumbo Ants.
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Really fun game! Got on top of the leaderboard with 68 B)
Wow! That's awesome. Which combination of enh-ants-ments did you use to score a 68?
I bought most of them! I din't buy the pauze ability because I didn't fully understand how it worked xD